No one speaks properly these days. It's BTW this and FYI that. Text language has turned into a whole new language itself, one many people don't get (me included at times...). But really they're all just a word to represent an action, and they have to start with a hashtag, #whatevs. These are my translations:
YOLO- 'You Only Live Once'
an excuse to do anything you want, be it eating an extra scoop of ice cream or getting arrested. Original.
"Sneaking some chocolate out of the fridge #YOLO"
"Robbing a bank #YOLO"
LOL- 'Laugh Out Loud'
don't know many people that only laugh in their head.
"Watching Celebrity Juice #LOL"
"Got told by my Mum #LOL"
BRT- 'Be Right There'
I'm late but I'm saying I'm nearly there but really I just woke up and can't be bothered to tell the person the truth.
"You're at Costa? #BRT"
"Round the corner #BRT"
DIY- 'Do It Yourself'
Stop being lazy and ordering stuff online from IKEA and then getting a handyman to put it all together. Get off your bum and make yourself useful.
"Changed the plug! #DIY"
"Fixed up my drawers #DIY"
I hope you can put up with my extreme sarcasm and see what these things really mean:).
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